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Think about this…. Declassified government data reveals an interstellar object that exploded over Earth

The Government kept news of an interstellar object SECRET for 8 Years! The main premise of ASTEROIDS – Bridge to...

NASA Approves Continued Development of Asteroid Hunting Space Telescope

A critical element in planetary defense and the search for dangerous asteroid continues to plod along. The Neo Surveyor, previously...

Feeling Cratered?

Earth has been knocked about quite a bit by asteroid strikes during its long history. All of the planets in...

An asteroid came ‘exceptionally close’ to hitting Earth… Again!

If you check websites like or NASA’s CENEOS (Center for Near Earth Object Studies) and view the list of...

NASA Declares Earth Safe from Asteroid for 100 Years

Well, we aren’t safe from all asteroids, but a recent radar survey of the asteroid Apophis, sometimes referred to by...

The Southern California Deluge of 1938

It rained in Los Angeles today. Rain in Los Angeles is a rare event. The months of February and March...
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