Mike McCoy was a guest on Late Night in the Midlands with Michael Vera on Wednesday Feb. 26th.
Michael Vera is one of the top 50 streaming radio hosts in America.
“The show was fun. I think it went well. I had recently been on Coast to Coast AM. I studied all my research notes to prepare for that show, so the material was still fresh,” said Mike McCoy
Book sales and website visitors spiked as a result of Mike being on the show. A good sign that listeners had a strong interest in the topic.
Mike will be doing more radio shows in the future. He has been asked to once again be a guest on Night Dreams Radio with Gary Anderson. This will be Mike’s second time on Night Dreams Radio.
“Radio is lots of fun, especially when they have call in questions from listeners. It’s great to connect directly with people and do my best to answer their questions. Sometimes they can really put you on the spot,” said Mike.