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When will we have VUE Lens?

!-SPOILER ALERT-! In the book ASTEROIDS – Bridge to Nowhere several characters use a device I named VUE Lens. This...

We’ve been hit before! It will happen again!

Our Earth, the planet we call home feels safe and cozy, but it hasn’t always been that way and chances...

The Meteor Impacts and Craters in ASTEROIDS are real

That’s right! The meteor impacts and craters described in ASTEROIDS were created with an asteroid impact simulator called Impact:Earth! developed...

20 Fascinating Asteroid Facts

  Out from nowhere, a ball of fire can emerge and hit the Earth like a speeding bullet resulting in an...

The reviews are rolling in!

I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the reviews for ASTEROIDS. Give it a read and let me know what you think...

I Met the Owner of the Bridge to Nowhere

Last weekend I hiked up to the Bridge to Nowhere. It’s not a fictional bridge created for my book. It’s...
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